We’ve proficient manufacturing departments with amalgamated Sales Turnover of 910 Crores (USD 136 million).We have always been on the rise financially, our evolvement in sense of technology, farming techniques; everything has ensured that our monetary value never goes down.
RBPSSK embarked on its sugar production journey with the inauguration of its inaugural plant at Sakharale in 1970, boasting a crushing capacity of 1250 tons per day (TCD). Since then, we have achieved remarkable growth, expanding our presence with the establishment of three additional plants in Wategaon, Karandwadi, and Tippehalli,…
We’ve been felicitated with 14 awards in 5 chief categories, the first title being the “Best Factory of the Year’.Our dedication of taking RBPSSK towards glory and dream of making it India’s No.1 Sugar Company is what keeps us going and striving for success.We feel very proud and pat our…